Single Tooth Anesthesia ( STA ) Markham | Cornell Dental Centre

Pain Free Dental Injections!

Here at Cornell Dental Centre we use a system called Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA) which dramatically reduces the pain of an injection in sensitive areas of the mouth, including the palate and the front of the mouth. This system is a more predictable and comfortable method that drastically reduces pain. The STA system is a controlled anaesthesia that allows the dentist to precisely control the location and the amount of anaesthesia to be administered. For people who have had a bad experience with needles or are generally fearful of them; the STA is a fantastic alternative. STA allows controlled anaesthesia administration and is a very effective and safe method to remove the discomfort of needles! In addition, the injection is much more localized, even a single tooth can be numbed without the collateral numbing of the surrounding areas such as the lips, cheek and tongue. Patients are thrilled that they can leave the office without feeling numb and proceed normally with eating, drinking and speaking! Talk to us about the STA System if you think you might benefit from this very effective and advanced dental technology.

STA- Single Tooth Anesthesia

STA is the only system of its kind with patented real-time visual and audible feedback technology.  This allows Dr. Weerasinghe to precisely target where to inject your mouth and also allows him to control the amount of Anethesia being administered; to reduce the pain and help you get the smile you deserve!

Book An Appointment With Us! 905-471-1348